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➡️ Modules Overview

➡️ Module 1

<aside> 🇪🇸 **Programme Example: RadioPolis, Sevilla, Spain

Title:** Vicarious Violence and its consequences on mental health Link:* https://go.ivoox.com/rf/117810311 Language: Spanish Production team: Virginia Robles Lópex and Julián Fuentes Barajas

Intro: The psychologist Luis Pérez Hidalgo, talks with Ms. Ana Vallejos, social worker and professor at the University of Huelva in Andalusia, who delves into this problem affecting our society and that affects us every day from her own work experience. Many homes suffer from gender violence which is like a cancer that destroys the lives of many.

*(Vicarious violence - The definition of vicarious violence is any type of violence exercised against sons and daughters with the purpose of causing psychological damage to the mother)



<aside> 🇦🇹 **Programme Example: Freirad FM, Innsbruch, Austria

Title: Gender and Language in the Public Health System Link:** https://cba.fro.at/636573 Language: German Production team: Alexandra Welzenberger and Karoline Irschara ******

Intro: The community engaged in the programme production: Production team members are both involved in the Public Health System and the problems also concern themselves. With the interview, they shaped the discourse about their own health and advanced a debate about the creation of a more just health system – also for women*. They analyse how women* and men* are treated differently in the health care system, and how this is connected to language and what women* can do to be taken seriously in the current health care system.

