The Modules
Welcome to this online learning resource, which is meant to take a budding Public Health Editorial Group at your station by the hand to, step-by-step, design what you want to do and how.
This is brought to you by E3J’s community media partners CMFE and COMMIT. By following the five modules, where one module is the precondition for the next, you will – step-by-step – be able to develop your programme identity, objective, and a practical plan.
Module 0 - Introduction
<img src="/icons/bookmark-outline_green.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark-outline_green.svg" width="40px" /> MODULES 1 - 5
Module 1 - Community Media, a platform for Public Health
- What is ‘Community media’
- What is ‘Public Health’?
- Why are they good platforms for public health?
Module 2 - Knowing your community and your target group(s) – setting goals
- How is your community made up? Who are your audiences?
- Identifying the public health needs of your audiences.
- With this knowledge in mind: what would you like to ideally achieve?
Module 3 - Style and approach of programmes
- With the target group in mind, what kind of programme do you plan?
- Which programme formats will you want to use?
- What about languages: only one, or more? How to handle this?
Module 4 - Programme formats and MIL focus
- How can you best meet the public health challenges in your community?
- What is media and information literacy in a community station?
- How do you check your facts – and counter mis- and disinformation?
Module 5 - Synopsis to clarify all aspects of your programme series
- Working with a synopsis - Being ready to go on air: what is missing?
- Development of synopsis and programme plans for each programme.
- Which resources in your community would you like to engage?
What is this learning resource built up by?
Every module has
- A written document introducing the issues and questions for the development of your public health programmes in your group.
Grantee examples from the 8 E3J partner stations are included.
- An audio introduction for inspiration through collective listening.
- Some examples from the E3J community media grantees
- Discussion and action points for the work in your editorial group