<aside> 🇪🇸 Programme Example: Onda Color, Malaga, Spain
Title: How to take care of your Mental Health Link: https://soundcloud.com/user-373892764/ Language: Spanish Production Team: Alejandro Blanco, Rafi Virella, Carmen Martin, Mari Carmen Guerrero and Mari Carmen Cas
Intro: Onda Color is based in the Palma Palmilla community, the most disadvantaged part of Malaga with 15.000 inhabitants. With other Civil society actors Onda Color wants to make the people of the community the leaders in decision making: about what is happening in their lives and what should be done to improve their community.****
The neighbourhood wanted to create a community radio station, which today is Color Comunitaria. They have 500 listeners from their community per day via FM, 80 listeners for the podcast and more than 800 interactions in social media. The comments from social media users focus on their gratitude that the station generates important health content, and they pride themselves of the fact that their community has a station and their issues are promoted. This is important, since it helps reduce the ****stigma of the neighbourhood and increases the self-esteem of the people who live there.